of the ELCA
WELCA stands for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and our mission statement is:
As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
WELCA has been an integral part of Grace Lutheran Church since its beginnings. In early days, it was called Ladies’ Aid. It is a part of the Northeast Minnesota Synodical Women’s group and also part of the Kettle River Conference Women’s Organization. Being part of these groups connects us to missions beyond Mora.
WELCA sponsors the Fall Harvest Bazaar, the Spring Salad Luncheon, The Christmas Tea, Pie and Ice Cream Social and the Sowing Grace Quilters. It has been an important part of the Library Ministry, the Funeral Helping Hands Ministry, and the Fellowship Ministry.
The Women of Grace have sponsored a Grace Country Bazaar for 19 years. The money earned from this event go into the ministries of Grace, and 10% go to community outreach.
This bazaar will be held November 11th, 9-1:30pm. Come for rolls and coffee at 8:30am.
To begin the Advent Season, The Women of Grace sponsor a Christmas Tea. Each table is decorated for the season with personal dishes and decorations. The entire Family Life Center twinkles. A program of Christmas readings and music is presented, and a special treat is shared. Everyone from the community is invited to enjoy this festive evening with the women of Grace. The date for this years Christmas Tea is December 12th @ 6:30pm. Please contact Kris Pulford at krpulford@gmail.com to sign up for a table.